Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146001-146020 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rack-deflatermausPlay a selection from Die Fledermaus with every request.
103,2051proxmox-apiProxmox VE REST API wrapper
103,2051rg_dishesSuggests meals; compiles ingredients lists.
103,2051rain_forestA simplified adaptor for Amazon Web Services. Only S3 is supported at the moment.
103,2051lernaTame multi-head displays
103,2051creators-railsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
103,2051kjvarga-racka modular Ruby webserver interface
103,2051sbdevpadiSbdev Padi
103,2051gom-sensor-portsImplements a gateway server to allow barebone basic sensor components to report sta...
103,2051zy_crawlerA simple crawler demo crawler
103,2051gc_tunerGet suggestions to tune Ruby's garbage collector
103,2051yuimaruGenerates sequence diagram.
103,2051postrestzero to one for viewing and getting data from your db
103,2051koara-xmlKoara to HTML parser written in Ruby
103,2051kiyohimeKiyohime is a library which provides a wrapper around Redis for pubsub.
103,2051hopeless-wufoosimple wrapper for the wufoo api
103,2051simple_siQuickly call an SIAlertView in one line: SimpleSI.alert('Hello World!')
103,2051skippr-rbgem to consume the api of our invoicing tool https://skippr.com
103,2051vishWrite a longer description or delete this line.
103,2051ruby_ucpRuby library implementation of EMI/UCP protocol v4.6 for SMS