Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146081-146100 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382catch_json_parse_errorsA Rack middleware for catching JSON parse errors and providing friendlier messages.
110,0382githubunbunGithubunbun is a good CLI tool to manipulate GitHub.
110,0382edave-gcal4rubyA full featured wrapper for interacting with the Google Calendar API
110,0382sensu-extensions-graphiteExtension to get metrics into Graphite
110,0382rubytrisruby for tetris
110,0382baidu_pushThe ruby wrapper of baidu push.
110,0382casino-test_authenticatorThis gem can be used to allow the CASino backend to authenticate without any backend se...
110,0382rwspiderRW Spider is an multithreading spider client written in Ruby designed to make easy th...
110,0382esableelasticsearch test gem
110,0382nickcool_view_toolsProvides generated html code for rails applications
110,0382rabbit-slide-kou-groonga-document-read-1今回が最初の「Groongaドキュメント読書会」です。そのため、まだうまい進め 方を確立できていません。そこで、このような進め方はどうかという案を提案 します。今回はこのやり...
110,0382fancyhandsSee summary
110,0382voteable_kyThe best voting gem ever.
110,0382hydra-testingSpin up a jetty instance (maybe even the one at https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-j...
110,0382mailgatesMailgates tools kit.
110,0382omniauth-miilOmniAuth strategy for miil
110,0382dylanvaughn-bluepillBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...
110,0382seaweedrbA Seaweed-FS Ruby Client
110,0382sharedcountConnector for SharedCount API service
110,0382jekyll-resizerreposting with fixes because he abandoned this project.