Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146061-146080 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382jwt_auth_dummyVery simple auth with jwt for User model
110,0382codtlsALPHA - WORK IN PROGRESS - DTLS with stateless header compression and CoAP based handsh...
110,0382loopbackCustom Remoting Client for Strongloop Loopback
110,0382statsd-rackInitialize a statsd client that is optionally namespaced. By default pumps request and ...
110,0382fluent-plugin-dagDag output plugin for Fluentd event collector
110,0382kcisneros_palindromeFollowing tutorial ruby palindrome detector.
110,0382microformat_scraperScrape scheduled events from microformatted web pages
110,0382olimpoThe Watson Authentication Handler in Ruby
110,0382jsonarCommand-line tool for searching in JSON files
110,0382lauricella_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails apps.
110,0382tryboolThe value parser for returning Booleans you never knew you needed.
110,0382watir_visual_diffImage comparison libray for Watir built on top of OilyPNG
110,0382embulk-decoder-remove_nonstandard_utf8_bytesDecodes Remove Nonstandard Utf8 Bytes-encoded files read by other file input plugins.
110,0382fakeparserA fakeparser for HTTParty.
110,0382ruby-aes-optimizedruby-aes is an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm (AES)
110,0382media_playerCommand line media player.
110,0382sec-firmsFirms parser for the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
110,0382glim-feedA mock for jekyll-feed.
110,0382vagrant-mroProduces machine-readable global status output.
110,0382tabTab will take in multiple expenses from multiple people and produce a report of how to ...