Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146781-146800 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380prawmlPrawml is a Yaml DSL interpreted by ruby over Prawn gem to generate PDF files easily
89,5380elasticrepoIndex a list of 'starred' repositories per user.
89,5380gistgengistgen has several modules to generate summaries from wikipedia and crunchbase
89,5380larsklevan-jsonThis is a JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C.
89,5380nikeplus_webcrawlerA webcrawler, which grabs fine-grained data of your personal Nike+ runs and saves these...
89,5380ecfsProvides Ruby-based access to the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System
89,5380socketpoolSocketPool class to mangage socket based client access [based on MongoDB pool class]
89,5380resque-async_deliverThis gem makes it possible to send mails asynchronously using Resque by simply rewritin...
89,5380hublot_arThis is the arabic version of Hublot gem
89,5380diskDisk Functions
89,5380sensei_eod_positions_rubySensei trader positions api gem
89,5380gapic-generatorAn API Client Generator for Ruby in Ruby!
89,5380hola-harrisonmalonea gem to learn how to make a gem
89,5380r-jekyll-themeA red portfolio Jekyll theme.
89,5380rails-datatableSimple datatable integration for Rails app
89,5380imp_expImport data from xlsx into a rails app and export data to xlsx from a rails app
89,5380soapexA gem that provides extended functionality to the soap4r package
89,5380shiroWrapper for the Shiro API
89,5380sendgrid_actionmailer_adapterA ActionMailer adapter using SendGrid Web API v3.