Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146741-146760 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380nperalez_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
89,5380mannie-taverna_scuflSupport for interacting with the Taverna workflow system (Scufl).
89,5380simple_configuresimple_configure automates the set up of your Rails deployment server. Once simple_conf...
89,5380rubocop-ruby2_4Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.4 code
89,5380tochtliLightweight framework for service oriented applications based on bunny (RabbitMQ)
89,5380mt_racketRuby Gem for reading and writing raw packets
89,5380hardsploit_guiThe essential security auditing tool for Internet of Things devices you'll need in your...
89,5380fuuuPass your exception throwing line in a block to fuuuuuuuu and it will open a stack over...
89,5380lgtm_hdRender LGTM image or fetch randomly from LGTM.in. Live Terminal Preview. Smart text...
89,5380sidekiq-slogImplement a structured logging approach for sidekiq.
89,5380github_flo"Github plugin for Flo"
89,5380galeragalera is gonna be awesome
89,5380rails-bootstrap-gridA Rails plugin that contains helpers for Bootstrap Grid
89,5380roxAn Open-Xchange HTTP API client library
89,5380sharts_studio_gameA game that was created to practice Ruby.
89,5380db_version_managerUses Rake and ActiveRecord::Migration.
89,5380omniauth-hackidHackID strategy for OmniAuth
89,5380mingle_event_changesParse out Mingle Event Feed content element of the entry. Better and simpler API for ac...
89,5380tipcalc'A gem for generating tip values based on a number of inputs.'