Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146721-146740 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090graphql-parallelExtend the GraphQL gem by allowing for one level of asynchronous field resolution.
142,2090huella_nutricionalGema que va a contener el desarrollo de código para calcular la huella nutricional/ambi...
142,2090game_analyticsLightweight and non-disruptive interface to save metrics data to gameanalytics.com usin...
142,2090grape-cherryCherry is a flavor of Grape API Development which is focused on rapid convention-based ...
142,2090growviral-warehouseA wrapper for the GrowViral warehouse.
142,2090itunercontrol iTunes using Ruby
142,2090mongo_doc_rails2ODM for MongoDB - for Rails 2.3.x
142,2090hash_as_hidden_fieldsExtracted hash helper code from KipuRecords.
142,2090g5k-graphGraph your Grid'5000 metrics
142,2090gcfThe gcf gem is a set of classes, plugins, and tools for integration with Google Cloud F...
142,2090git-shoveEasily create remote repos from local ones.
142,2090lambda_map_reduceThis is a full implementation of the MapReduce algorithm specifically for use with lamb...
142,2090media_types-deserializationAdd media types supported deserialization using your favourite parser
142,2090logstash-output-coralogix_loggerCoralogix Logstash logger to send logs to Coralogix server
142,2090luhn_algorithmValidate numbers using Luhn Algorithm
142,2090markdpwnHTML-formats text documents such as Markdown, textile, and source code
142,2090itamae-plugin-recipe-oracle_jdkinstall oracle jdk
142,2090jobs-former_studentsSmall gem to scrape company names from former students.
142,2090labelsLabels can help you build and render labels as PDF
142,2090mote-debugMinimal debugging support for mote.