Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146701-146720 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300lenaRemote JavaScript logging for Rails applications.
75,2300shibarakuManage model with a period on ActiveRecord.
75,2300rebarA simple stress testing tool for Redis
75,2300rl_hiya_paez_nicolasRuby course exercise.
75,2300sendqA library for queues that can only release so much information over a given timespan
75,2300keyslime-commonKeyslime Support Package
75,2300hash_map_hashFlatten deeply nested hash and convert keys
75,2300new_relic_insightsREST Client to interact with New Relic Insights
75,2300flex_coreTo do
75,2300memory_monitorRestart a process when memory usage is too high
75,2300omniauth-actonAct-On strategy for SSO using OmniAuth framework
75,2300rhyhann-merb_stathyc_sliceMerb Slice that provides core static pages functionnalities
75,2300lsghlist github organisation projects and pull requests
75,2300joncanady-grackleGrackle is a lightweight library for the Twitter REST and Search API.
75,2300resourceful_loaderbefore_filter :load_foo; private def load_foo() @foo = Foo.find_by_id params[:id] end
75,2300jsonipCopy your IP to clipboard
75,2300remote-execInvoke commands on remote hosts
75,2300tomun_test_gemA gem to for Week 6 homework
75,2300logstash-filter-collateThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
75,2300springmvc-scaffoldTool to make it easier configuring new Spring MVC projects.