Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147301-147320 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171rubocop-regexpRuboCop extension for analyzing regular expressions in Ruby source code
147,2171clirbCLI Ruby
147,2171decoratePython style decorators for Ruby, some common decorators like private_method are provid...
147,2171volt-tableIt's datatables for Volt.
147,2171padiMinimal Material Theme for blog
147,2171svgjsThe lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG
147,2171uniq_tokenGenerate a unique, random token for Active Record.
147,2171syslog-logstash-logglyThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
147,2171sunwatchProvides EPA UV index information for the US
147,2171redpandaRed panda!
147,2171phantomjs_2.0Auto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration.
147,2171workarea-google_address_autocompleteA Google Address Autocomplete plugin, made possible by Google Maps API's Geocoding & Go...
147,2171opodObject storage through various adapters.
147,2171array_to_averageThis gem is a sample gem on 'http://blog.wfsneto.com.br/'
147,2171config_manSimplifies repetitive work of parsing configuration files
147,2171dominusAn easy to use wrapper around the domino diiop database api.
147,2171dm-encryptedTransparently add RSA encryption to DataMapper models.
147,2171simple_time_measureSimpleTimeMeasure is a ruby gem that allows measuring methods without having to alter c...
147,2171vagrant-rakeA Vagrant plugin to execute `rake` commands from the host in the VM