Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147381-147400 of all 180,589 gems.
91,6450textpow1xA library for parsing TextMate bundles on ruby 1.x
91,6450sensu-plugins-rabbitmq-cloudwatchSend RabbitMQ metrics to Cloudwatch
91,6450harrison_fast_track_gema gem that demonstrates how to deploy ruby gems
91,6450skatesSkates is a framework to create EventMachine based XMPP External Components in Ruby.
91,6450thinking_lobsterAutomatically schedules review times for learning material stored in a mongoDB database...
91,6450helllloA simple hello world gem
91,6450opengl-cubeA gem play with cube rendered by opengl
91,6450has_attributes_fromMerge the attributes from another ActiveRecord class to an individual STI subclass.
91,6450numru-unitsThis is a class to handle units of physical quantities. It covers most functionality of...
91,6450golden-settingGolden Setting persists settings in database and keep alive in cache.
91,6450straight_dopeStraight Dope gets the actual URL for media content that is usually hidden behind a page.
91,6450marmotUnofficial Font Squirrel webfont generator client
91,6450multiplayer_eloElo library for single and multiplayer games
91,6450onepassA gem that decrypts the secrets that are stored in the 1Password 4 native SQLite database.
91,6450ruboty-xmppXMPP adapter for Ruboty.
91,6450resulangResulang is a simple tool to help create html resumes.
91,6450pubannotation_evaluatorA tool to evaluate the accuracy of a set of annotations.
91,6450progress_trackerA very simple API for logging and retreiving the progress of a given background task us...
91,6450http_url_validation_improveda Rails gem that allows you to validate a URL entered in a form. It validates if the U...
91,6450tingg_encryptionThe best encryption class