Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147341-147360 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171workarea-worldpay_xmlIntegrates Worldpay with Workarea Commerce Platform using the XML API.
147,2171actionqueryActionQuery is a module that encapsulates query building so you don't have to tuck scop...
147,2171sprint_runnerA tool for running sprints on GitHub
147,2171comboclientA simple client for combo microservices
147,2171open_imageCurrently Under Construction
147,2171capistrano-endlesscapistrano plugin for golang endless
147,2171shaxUseful for parsing XML into a standard Ruby object
147,2171rosetta-rubySimple Markdown to HTML transformation.
147,2171rekognitionRuby wrapper of Rekognition Face Detection and Recognition API
147,2171reinhardtReinhardt coming soon.
147,2171worker-glassBackground worker wrappers that provides optional timeout and reentrancy
147,2171active-encodeThis gem serves as the basis for the interface between a Ruby (Rails) application and a...
147,2171strelka-presentersStrelka-Presenters is a plugin for the Strelka web framework that adds integration with...
147,2171dLinkedListGema que guarda una lista de referencias bibliográficas (lista doblemente enlazada).
147,2171rargRArg is simple and small library for validating a Hash as named arguments (keyword argu...
147,2171devise_subscriberDevise extension for newsletter subscribers
147,2171capistrano-fast_deployA couple Capistrano tweaks to speed up deploys using git style deploys and a few optimi...
147,2171responder_botUse matchers to define a series of commands available to an SMS or other chat interface...
147,2171concert_calendarCreate a personalized concert calendar and host it on your own server for subscription....