Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147321-147340 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171wertherThe Jekyll theme for developing document.
147,2171action_mailer_configLoad ActionMailer configuration from YAML
147,2171action_mailbox_debugThis is a helper to debug Action Mailbox. It's not suitable for running on production s...
147,2171coffeekup_railsCoffeeKup Rails is an asset pipeline engine/preprocessor for CoffeeKup template files.
147,2171cross_specA framework for doing cross app testing with support for distributed factories, test pa...
147,2171camera_rubyA way to use a webcam inside of a ruby script.
147,2171rubocop-single-responsibility-principleThis is a probably-facetious RuboCop extension which requires all Ruby classes to have ...
147,2171simple_caSign and generate SSL certificates with ease
147,2171drillPractice ruby with drills
147,2171workarea-super_heroAdvanced hero content block with content positioning, image cropping, mobile sweetness,...
147,2171paypal-sdk-http-adaptersHTTP Adapters for PayPal SDK
147,2171codesake-gengiscancodesake-gengiscan is part of the codesake.com project. It leverages the information ga...
147,2171sayso-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation - forked and gemified for sayso
147,2171rails_stdout_json_loggingSets Rails to log to stdout
147,2171wizardlyCreate wizards from any model in three steps
147,2171redux-on-railsY'all didn't want it but now you're getting it.
147,2171rionThis is a placeholder for the library
147,2171cloud_testEnables cross-browser-testing with by the integration of the following providers Browse...
147,2171solidus_marketplaceAdds marketplace functionality to Solidus stores.