Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147601-147620 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342vines-redisStores Vines user data in Redis.
146,8342bdericks-lightlineCommandline interface for viewing Lighthouse tickets
146,8342danger-semantic-commitA Danger plugin for linting semantic commits
146,8342diproart-bulma-railsA modern CSS framework based on Flexbox and Utilities
146,8342unicapCapistrano tasks for unicorn with Rails application.
146,8342buttercmsButter makes setting up a company blog on Rails insanely easy. It's built for developer...
146,8342codelapsea gem to interact with codelapse
146,8342capistrano-nobrainer["This gem adds the integration for the nobrainer gem in Capistrano.\n\nIt creates the ...
146,8342cocoapods-zaPaaSTestA short description of cocoapods-zaPaaSTest.
146,8342watir-formhandlerAdds some convenience methods to fill out forms in Watir.
146,8342unfextYou probably meant `gem install unf_ext`.
146,8342boba_finder_CLIBoba Finder CLI Project for Flatiron School
146,8342converters_before_validationAdds before_validation callback, which applies necessary function to attributes. There ...
146,8342xdtxDT is a library that reads and writes LDT, GDT and BDT data.
146,8342configreaderConfigReader provides an easy way to load up your configuration YAML files into Ruby ob...
146,8342china_aqiChina AQI API from PM25.in
146,8342atomic-parsley-rubyA wrapper api for the atomicparsley cli
146,8342bellmyer-validates_blacklistAllows models to be validated against yaml-based blacklists
146,8342vatcherSuper simple variable watcher for rails apps
146,8342catgamePlay a game with a lovely cat in the terminal.