Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147661-147680 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630myqCommand-line MYSQL TO JSON processor.
85,8630qrush-factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...
85,8630preflight_checkValidate your concourse config yaml before deploying.
85,8630rabbit-slide-hasumikin-RAGrant2021ReportPresentation slide for Ruby Association Grant 2021 Report
85,8630rack-rack-contribContributed Rack Middleware and Utilities
85,8630nu-generatorsnu design custom generators
85,8630ScreenTimerThis timer can be used timer. It can count up and count down.
85,8630rspec_rails3_genRspec Rails 3 generators ported from similar Rails 2 generators
85,8630nexia_worker_roulettePub Sub Queue for Redis that ensures ordered processing
85,8630ng_classifyConvert CoffeeScript classes to AngularJS modules Write less JavaScript. Write less Cof...
85,8630qs-heroku-clientA library to use Heroku's Platform API
85,8630rails-precompile2gitDaemon that watch a Git repo for new commit, pull changes, precompile assets and push b...
85,8630nilA brain**** macro language and interpreter
85,8630mavensmateMavensMate is a Sublime Text package that allows Force.com developers to develop Apex a...
85,8630evt-telemetry-loggerLogging to STDERR with coloring and levels of severity
85,8630feeds-crawlerThis gem allows to crawl news articles from RSS feeds.
85,8630stairwayEasy and intuitive step by step processing of your business logic.
85,8630genesisA data seeding solution for Ruby on Rails providing seeding facilities far more advance...
85,8630paypal_permissions"A gem to support PayPal Permissions API for Rails applications using ActiveMerchant."
85,8630logstash-output-mongodb_customThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...