Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147781-147800 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380logwormlogworm logging tool
89,5380gravatar_helperTest gem for generating gravatar image tag.
89,5380nginx-configGenerate unicorn vhost for nginx
89,5380easy_logEasyLog makes it easy to output descriptive logs
89,5380shrinker-rubyCreates a short url that redirects requests to long url
89,5380string-utilitySome simple but handy methods to interact with string objects.
89,5380development_notificationEnables sending simple emails to app owners. Wraps [Leadersend](http://www.leadersend.c...
89,5380http_server_managerManages the lifecycle of HTTP server processes
89,5380tikal-rainbowA tool to containerify your code and application for simple creation of runtime environ...
89,5380resource_rendererA simple way to render resources.
89,5380schulzke_view_toolView-specific methods following along with DevCamp tutorials.
89,5380putsplusBuilds upon the default puts command to create more attractive and programmer friendly ...
89,5380openrain-migration_modelRails plugin for safely using models in your Rails migrations
89,5380echarts-railsWrappers of ECharts Javascript Chart Libary for Rails 3.1+
89,5380letsencryptLet’s Encrypt
89,5380jekyll_config_to_JSONA Jekyll Plugin that generates a JSON file of configuration variables
89,5380r_martinez_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
89,5380tdev_kiwiRuby gem to send messages with Kiwi
89,5380rails_filemanagerThis is a filemanager for ruby on rails that works right away with CKEditor