Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147721-147740 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920rl_hiya_amian_davidCreates a new class and outputs some text.
95,5920kanjidic2A simple KANJIDIC2 toolkit for Ruby, based on nokogiri.
95,5920taksiUseful toolset to build a backend over the concept of backend-driven UI (aka. backend f...
95,5920hyperdochypertextual documents using plain old data structures
95,5920decode_thisSimple gem for decoding JWT token
95,5920signalfx-lambdaLambda handler wrapper
95,5920rspec-ndjson-formatterDump rspec tests out in ndjson format. Each top level group starts a new line
95,5920rds-s3-backup"Thor script and libraries to backup an AWS RDS snapshot to AWS S3, and create an obfus...
95,5920javabean_xmlSmall library for encoding and decoding xml the way java.beans.{Encoder,Decoder} does it
95,5920rao-or_validatorProvides an (x)or validator for active model.
95,5920southeastern-daily-performanceConverts Southeaster Daily Performance reports from HTML to CSV
95,5920ikazuchimeta-package of useful gems for rails development
95,5920cometCommand-line interface to download various code exercises and their test suites. When t...
95,5920gateway_sdkSDK for interaction with gateway
95,5920sp_clientThis gem wraps an API for the Summer Project.
95,5920johnsbrn-has_permissionFine grained access control based on method interception. This is a proxy that allows y...
95,5920tekkub-watchrContinious anything; project files observer/trigger.
95,5920fetchappfetch apple app
95,5920jparkIt is a helpful bunch of features for everyone!