Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147741-147760 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772knoxbox-webOpenVPN management tool
136,3772skylight-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
136,3772levenshtein_rbImplementation of Levenshtein algorithm to determine the similarity of two strings usin...
136,3772ruberlA quick and dirty module you can include in your classes to give you an easy connection...
136,3772easy_mail_previewEasy previews of HTML emails for your Rails app.
136,3772graphite_senderSends measurements to Graphite via TCP|UDP
136,3772teilashareThis provides a Ruby wrapper around the ShareASale affiliate-related endpoints
136,3772currency_dataInformation about currencies.
136,3772validation_error_reporterFind and report ActiveRecord validation errors.
136,3772rolaA simple hello world gem
136,3772migratiqmigrate sidekiq jobs when changing arguments that a worker accepts.
136,3772minitest-matcher-libraryAdd a library of useful matchers that work with zenspider/minitest-matchers
136,3772tomatoLeverages Google's V8 JavaScript library to interface Ruby code with JavaScript code.
136,3772is-gd-shrinkerUse is.gd to shrink and expand URLs for your Ruby application. A one-liner does it all.
136,3772rails_profileDescription of
136,3772ephemerisEphemeris provides dignity and relationship calculations around the existing `swe4r` bi...
136,3772omniauth-rsamlA generic SAML strategy for OmniAuth.
136,3772whoWho allows you to save visitor information to database
136,3772anoubis_sso_clientLibrary for create basic SSO Client based on OAUTH authentication.