Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147961-147980 of all 180,589 gems.
91,6450motion-authenticationA simple, standardized authentication helper for common authentication strategies for R...
91,6450pipioA fast, easy way to parse Pidgin (gaim) logs
91,6450streamable-apiUnofficial Ruby API wrapper for Streamable
91,6450resque-data-warehouseA Resque plugin. Allows you to use Redis to queue up and then Resque to process transac...
91,6450rabbit-slide-kou-devlove-2012DevLOVE 2012での「リーダブルコードを読んだ後」というセッションで説明のために使ったスライドです。セッションの内容は、リーダブルコードに書かれていることを実際に使う...
91,6450myparcelRuby wrapper for MyParcel API.
91,6450ruby-macho-utilsA collection of command line utilities for use with ruby-macho.
91,6450lstashCount or grep log messages in a specified time range from a Logstash Elasticsearch server.
91,6450penthotalpenthotal is a command line tool to organize finding folders for a penetration test
91,6450post_clerkCalculate weight based charges for a OfficeClerk basket
91,6450titlifyGonna be the best damn titlecasing gem around, with rules based on AP Stylebook and Chi...
91,6450therubyracer-freebsdCall javascript code and manipulate javascript objects from ruby. Call ruby code and ma...
91,6450mit-ldapRuby interface for querying MIT LDAP server (only if you're on MITnet)
91,6450fusuma-plugin-tapfusuma-plugin-tap is Fusuma plugin for recognizing multitouch tap.
91,6450rjsonTemplate Handler for JSON
91,6450my-labA simple plain blog.
91,6450ruberRuber is a Ruby editor for KDE 4 written in pure ruby, making use of the excellent ru...
91,6450gmapsGMaps allows you to access Google Maps API in your Rails application.
91,6450known_incompatibilityA gem that detects and warns when known known incompatibilities are detected between di...
91,6450romanconvertConverts numbers to a Roman Numeral String and vice-versa