Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148021-148040 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920jorb_dispatcher_buildkiteJorb dispatch buildkite, of course
95,5920devise-drupalDrupal Hash implementation for Devise Encryptable
95,5920fluent-plugin-loggly-syslogFluentd syslog output plugin for Loggly
95,5920minato-stackdriverDefault setup of stackdriver gem in Minato Rails Apps.
95,5920calderaLavalink client for use with Discord libraries.
95,5920kcrwA little CLI to print out what's playing on KCRW
95,5920feishu-apiFeishuApi is a integration of commonly used feishu open platform's APIs, easy to call.
95,5920jekyll-theme-saifas-legacyJekyll theme 'SAIFAS'
95,5920resubjectUber simple presenters
95,5920stomping_groundMock Stomp server to be used when testing stomp consumers
95,5920igrigorik-decisiontreeID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithm
95,5920josevalim-i18nAdd Internationalization to your Ruby application.
95,5920sravanA simple sravan's first gem
95,5920koriDeep frozen objects from yaml or hash.
95,5920gropeA non-GUI library to represent browser environment using WebKit Framework
95,5920hola_weinhouseA simple hello world gem
95,5920resume-stylistSmall framework for making resume themes in liquid and scss.
95,5920em-printer-serialportEventMachine compatible serialport library
95,5920gen_mrconfiggenerate myrepos configuration files
95,5920sslsmartSSLSmart is an advanced and highly flexible Ruby based smart SSL cipher enumeration tool