Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148041-148060 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171ppmtogdlPpmToGdl generates GDL PPM definitions from a PrimaryParameters.xml file.
147,2171spaceinvadersSpaceinvaders invaders detection gem.
147,2171vruby"VisualuRuby" is a GUI library on MS Windows for Ruby. The project has two pa...
147,2171dust_assetsCompile Dust templates in the Rails asset pipeline.
147,2171savings-goal-engineThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171cutaraCutara is the bridge between Tarantula and Cucumber
147,2171purposeComing soon.
147,2171ryanb-uniquifyGenerate a unique token with Active Record.
147,2171scottmotte-merb-param-protectionMerb plugin that provides params_accessible and params_protected class methods
147,2171deepselectProvides a method to retrieve the image most similar to the specified image from the ar...
147,2171rpsgameRock Paper Scissors game
147,2171eclatA CLI to control your home lights
147,2171trello_dxyTrello for DXY Interface
147,2171amzwishSince you can no longer access wishlists through the Amazon api this gem aims to addres...
147,2171string-stats-ahIncludes word count, word frequency hash, and unique words list
147,2171vioVectored I/O extension for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2)
147,2171restfsInteract with RESTfs filesystems.
147,2171osc-accessA simple way to bind OSC directly to Ruby classes and objects
147,2171dingdingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171tipA gem for generating tip values based o a number of inputs.