Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147981-148000 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430bombThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
131,2430acts_as_muschableDo not use me unless you are not you but somebody else.
131,2430canvas_qti_to_learnosity_converterConverts canvas qti to learnosity JSON
131,2430camaleon_user_tagThis plugin allow tag users in the admin area.
131,2430woodpeckerSimple API client for Woodpecker. Woodpecker is a service to send personalized cold ema...
131,2430bbs_2ch_url_validatorThis is a validator for 2ch URL.
131,2430xcodebuild_rakeThis gem contains useful helpers for building and testing iOS/watchOS/tvOS/macOS apps u...
131,2430altmetric_badgerA gem which produces Altmetric badge URIs from a data hash
131,2430bem-constructorA Sass library for building immutable and namespaced BEM-style CSS objects
131,2430extensionatorA tool for packaging Chrome extensions
131,2430ar_truncatorAdds a truncate helper to AR
131,2430worlddb-serviceworlddb plugin for web service/HTTP API (JSON/CSV/HTML)
131,2430factory_girl_jsonCreate json fixtures from your FactoryGirl factories
131,2430vagrant-nukeRemoves all boxes listed in vagrant box list.
131,2430capistrano-nodeenva capistrano recipe to deploy nodejs apps with nodenev.
131,2430wiktionaryEnglish words morphological description and basic conversion rules based on the English...
131,2430calabash_stepsCustom Calabash Steps