Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149441-149460 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171toggTogg implements a simple feature toggler for a Rails application. Features are managed ...
147,2171spaceraceReplace indentation in your source code. Meant to help deal with differences in coding ...
147,2171product_metadata_tasksA library of rake tasks for repetitive updates to product metadata.
147,2171utility_uiCurrently in development
147,2171parser-prismA prism parser backend
147,2171ruby_mathGem for mathematics method and different data structure like complex and vector and mat...
147,2171blinkPlaceholder for blink(1) library
147,2171diacritizeReplace characters in an existing string with similar-looking diacritical ones (e.g. vo...
147,2171tap_as`Object#as` define as `tap {|obj| break yield(obj) }`
147,2171sekretCreate/Decode semetric encryption
147,2171writevThis gem adds the `writev` method to IO. It provides access to the `writev` system cal...
147,2171active_assetAn application to process files and other files
147,2171contextual_exceptionsProvides an easy way to create and raise custom exceptions with the contextual informat...
147,2171shell_strikeA simple ruby gem to automatically identify valid SSH credentials for a server using cu...
147,2171bassy-railsInclude "Lightning-Fast Modular CSS with No Side Effects" Basscss in Rails. Basscss is ...
147,2171bigip_parseSimple library to parse BIG IP configurations
147,2171qiniu-policyAuthorization library used to generate upload/download tokens of Qiniu Cloud Storage.
147,2171dvyjones-authlogic-kerberosKerberos authentication for AuthLogic
147,2171tokyo_storeTokyo Tyrant rails session store
147,2171warthogPOkes A10 SLBs with a RESTick