Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149501-149520 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171xypxyp is a simple 2D graphics plotter
147,2171crowdin2csvCrowdin2csv converts xliff file from crowdin.com into CSV file.
147,2171dsl_testEsta DSL ayuda a definir un test con sus devidas preguntas
147,2171ordscanordscan - ordinals (generative ORC-721) inscription (on bitcoin & co) indexer / scanner
147,2171sprout-google-spreadsheet-rubyThis is a library to read/write Google Spreadsheet using oauth and client login.
147,2171the_imageHelpers for image manipulations
147,2171relational_redis_mapperActiveRecord like interface backed by the blazing fast Redis.
147,2171webpack_assetsadd webpack build into assets:precompile
147,2171wp-sessioniserDisplays reader sessions from an apache wordpress log
147,2171active_jsonEasy JSON storage.
147,2171rubygemstatsScrape gem information from http://rubygems.org.
147,2171rightscript_syncRightScript Sync is a utility to synchronize all scripts in a RightScale account with t...
147,2171xedneseXednese provides an easy to use client for interacting with the Esendex REST API.
147,2171vostok-railsSick pg import for rails
147,2171web-parsera tool for extract web information.
147,2171deppbotdeppbot ensures that your Ruby applications are kept updated, always! Based on your con...
147,2171rubythinkingRuby code translations and additional material for the book "Statistical Rethinking" of...
147,2171cucumber-cafeCAFE: Business IDE For Cucumber
147,2171taudayIntroduces Tau as the true circle constant. See http://tauday.com
147,2171bivyuses a simple YAML format to store bibliographies. Then modifies citations in openoffi...