Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149481-149500 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171unsitemapSitemap Consumer
147,2171safe_forkSafe forking for active record
147,2171dated_versionA simple to use version class based on a date and iterative tiny version.
147,2171dcacheA simple caching gem.
147,2171ransack_active_record_enhancerEnhance active record methods with ransack.
147,2171yhara-moneyrailHousehold account book, written in Rails
147,2171abraCadabstrax_palindromePalindrome detector
147,2171wildcloud-loggerSimple logging library inspired by Rack architecture
147,2171touch_touchKnow what ActiveRecord objects touched by another
147,2171wysihtml5x-railsA wysiwyg5x text editor for Rails assets pipeline
147,2171raikar07Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
147,2171rubymurrayRuby Murray is a Ruby port of Perl's Sub::Curry, originally written for Ruby Quiz #64 (...
147,2171sfparkRuby Wrapper for the SF Park API
147,2171remote_notifierStore your errors on other server - and manage them!.
147,2171turner_logsSupport for color escape codes in the Rails logger
147,2171predict_emailCan add a csv with names and emails and then predict what a person's email will be by l...
147,2171cesriCesri es una Gema Ruby que permite consumir los servicios Web de Comprobantes Electróni...
147,2171darmani_game61A Darmani game
147,2171worker_killerKill any workers by memory and request counts or take custom reaction