Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149521-149540 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731saazHandling Stripe subscriptions and charges within Rails applications
110,9731scoopFlexible Filtering for ActiveRecord
110,9731audit_recordA simple gem built for Rails 3+ which creates an audit when events that you configure o...
110,9731hello-senseRuby implementation of Sense's private API
110,9731dummy_gen-railsGenerator for creating a dummy application for use in Rails 3 engine development.
110,9731privacy_fenceManage the privacy profile and profile fields
110,9731built.iobuilt.io is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS). This is a Ruby SDK that provides a conv...
110,9731shinobiBackup Ninja
110,9731flowers-ponyThe express way to send mail from Ruby.
110,9731omniauth-jd-oauth2OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for jd.com.
110,9731directory_listingA Sinatra extension for generating easy, CSS-styled, Apache-like directory listings.
110,9731libmpq-rubyUses libmpq to provie access to read, decrypting and unpacking MPQ files in Ruby
110,9731cmbpayAn unofficial simple cmb netpayment gem, copied from alipay
110,9731icss-activesupport-4Infochimps Simple Schema library: an avro-compatible data description standard. ICSS co...
110,9731distroDistro: distributed work, simply.
110,9731kitchen-azure_vmA Test Kitchen Driver for Azure Virtual Machine
110,9731protobug_conformance_protosCompiled protos for protobug from https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf (conforma...
110,9731fluent-plugin-in_elb_healthcheckfluentd plug-in for ELB Health Check
110,9731anotherTopSeventyA simple but hopefully effective educational gem
110,9731generate_rails_newThis gem provides a CLI tool that helps create a new Rails application with interactive...