Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150541-150560 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700cnesCliente HTTP do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde
38,9700kynetx_am_apiUsing this gem you can access the Kynetx Application API. This api allows developers a...
38,9700precedencesTty-prompt extension to sort a list of choices along the "last is firts" principle.
38,9700explain_shellBash interface to http://explainshell.com/
38,9700fineryExplore your data with SQL. Easily create charts and dashboards, and share them with yo...
38,9700liquid_renderer-mudspotLiquidRenderer adds liquid renderer and option to include liquid filters like Rails hel...
38,9700smserSmser provides simple way to manage your sms messages
38,9700liquid-humanize-numberA liquid filter to make numbers more human readable
38,9700messenger_clientIf you are building a bot on the Messenger platform or just trying to connect with your...
38,9700cio_proto_catCIO Proto test
38,9700assinameWrite a longer description. Optional.
38,9700gemxAutomagically execute commands that come in gem form
38,9700logger_plusLogger Plus allows any additional information to be passed in the log method
38,9700letter_press_is_not_as_good_as_boggleFind all known words for a letterpress board (iPhone 5 game that is like boggle, but wo...
38,9700boursoramaBoursorama Ruby API
38,9700city_detailA wrapper for opemweathermap.org api.
38,9700resque-railsThe railtie for setup resque. It provides an initializer and rake tasks.
38,9700monospace_text_formatterFormats monospaced text into a line or visual box of defined 'width' and 'height' bound...
38,9700synergy-copDependency and configuration for rubocop for all project written in SynegySoft
38,9700node-webkit-bootstrapA minimal bootstraping app for node-wekbit.