Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150561-150580 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700circular_linkedProvides a circular linked list data structure for Ruby with the most common methods
38,9700studio_game_aussieMy first Ruby gem. Made a game to get the hang of Ruby once again. Game generate a numb...
38,9700imageImage, a small image processing library
38,9700uri_query_mergerSmall class for merging a URL with existing params with a given set of params
38,9700thaistockThis is a simple gem that read and extract current asset of stocks in Thailand from www...
38,9700annotated-railsY.a. Rails models annotation
38,9700multi-analytics-turbolinksThis gem adds support for turbolinks to Google Analytics, Baidu Tongji & Bing UET t...
38,9700juicelang-themeThe theme of the website of the juice programming language
38,9700filenames_setVery simple class to ensure that filenames are unique. If you are generating files into...
38,9700kyototycoonKyotoTycoon client for Ruby
38,9700feedly_apiSimpe unofficial Feedly API wrapper. No auth yet. Zero external dependencies.
38,9700spree_ajax_add_to_cartWhen the user adds an item to the cart the system will make an Ajax call to add the ite...
38,9700lesli_vaultSecurity Management Module for the Lesli Framework.
38,9700vat_layer-ruby-3Ruby wrapper for vatlayer by apilayer. This gem depends on the apilayer-ruby-3 gem, whi...
38,9700stringprepPure Ruby Stringprep implementation (RFC 3494)
38,9700minitest-failMake an empty test fail
38,9700jwhitmire-compassSass-Based CSS Meta-Framework. Semantic, Maintainable CSS.
38,9700jwhitmire-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
38,9700jwilkins-spamsumWrapper for spamsum
38,9700jwthompson2-vzagentRuby library for interfacing with Parallels' Virtuozzo Agent APIs.