Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150601-150620 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630mongogemsMongoDB Utilities
85,8630qunaQuna is a library for making it simple to query interactively answers from users.
85,8630synkronosSynkronos is a life-time folder synchronization tool. It's based on rsync and work...
85,8630forkcms_deployDeployment for ForkCMS with Capistrano
85,8630heroku-s3-backup-zinergiaBackup your heroku database to S3 without suffering. Based on http://almosteffortless.c...
85,8630filetterFiletter is a pluggable tool for file system.
85,8630has_partialCheck if a partial can be rendered inside Rails views
85,8630reversereverse DNS lookup CLI for standard output
85,8630governor_statesAdds state machine support to Governor, the Rails 3-based blogging engine, enabling you...
85,8630material-osdtheme by osd from Material Design Lite by Google inc.
85,8630migration-fooforeign keys support for MySQL
85,8630omniauth-twitch-cejTwitch OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
85,8630range_splitterSplits a range into multiple ranges.
85,8630object-in-arrayAn array inclusion helper for Object.
85,8630fluent-plugin-moogaiopsMatcher (Output plugin) to send Fluentd events to the Moog AIOps REST LAM
85,8630gus-curbCurb (probably CUrl-RuBy or something) provides Ruby-language bindings for the libcurl(...
85,8630glossa== Glossa is a tool for generating simple naming language generators (which can in turn...
85,8630logstash-input-puppet_facterThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
85,8630sqlizehave u ever wanted to shout SELECTed words??? now u can. UPDATE ur noob sql scripting ...
85,8630softledgerA gem to interface with Softledger's API