Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152941-152960 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870rubydecodeqrRuby QR Code Decoder
135,8870sony-camera-remoteProvides a wrapper around to API for cameras that support the Sony [Camera Remote API](...
135,8870sport_headlinesThis gem will scrape the current top headlines of popular sport sites.
135,8870blackbirdBlackbird are Migrations but then better.
135,8870td2planetRuby-based server-side blog aggregator
135,8870aws4_signerSimple signer module implements AWS4 signature
135,8870shopify_gdprBasic generator for endpoints to handle Shopify GDPR webhooks
135,8870bluesteelgem install bluesteel
135,8870timestamped_columnRecords modification time for specified database columns on a per-row basis (ActiveReco...
135,8870sg-rubyA SimpleGeo Ruby Client
135,8870bluffA single source of lies for all your testing needs
135,8870assemblyAssembles Models with valid attributes
135,8870ruboty-twitter_direct_messageAn ruboty adapter for twitter DM.
135,8870vagrant-openstack-plugin-tomEnables Vagrant to manage machines in OpenStack Cloud, with keystone v3
135,8870regexgenGenerate a minimal regex matching a set of strings
135,8870seamus-pasqualShortcuts for postgres commands, with option to use ENV-configured conenction URLs
135,8870shibboliteSimple access control for Shibboleth/Rails environments
135,8870cat_clawcats who catching jobs from the web
135,8870ultrasoapConnect to Neustar's UltraDNS SOAP API. FKA ultrasoap-ruby. Any feedback or contributio...
135,8870tinymethodwrapperGreat for doing debugging and logging deprecated methods