Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152981-153000 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870carbonyteCarbonyte is the core of great Microservices-oriented Architectures.
135,8870sports-butlerMultiple API Wrapper with endpoint classes for different sports and APIs
135,8870claussimple hash / array based rule matching engine
135,8870uid_attributeSome projects are confined by regulations (or requirements) that demand data can not be...
135,8870clamdRuby gem to interact with ClamAV daemon(Clamd)
135,8870scintillationA flash messages replacement
135,8870synapses-casProvides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.
135,8870spotlight-oaipmh-resourcesIngest of OaiPmh harvests into Spotlight
135,8870config-file-loadersimple way to load erb yaml config files. based upon http://railscasts.com/episodes/85-...
135,8870commentable_onAdds comments functionality to Rails/ActiveRecord models. It uses the [ancestry gem](ht...
135,8870strong_yamlAllows for easy YAML parsing and type checking, as well as generators
135,8870upstream-deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
135,8870thermostat_jelle_dbThermostat gem
135,8870superbolt-futurePerform superbolt tasks at a later time; timed job queues for the cloud
135,8870simple_descriptoradd description to your classes and make your ActiveRecord validations smarter
135,8870spox-mod_spoxmod_spox is a Ruby based IRC bot
135,8870shared_tasksCreate tasks to run at different envs
135,8870trinitycrdriverA gem to allow coderunner to run the trinity code directly.
135,8870automataCreate and simulate automaton.