Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153021-153040 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380blueberry_adminBase pack of stylesheets for Bleuberry Administration.
129,5380vagrant-blockwartEnables Vagrant to provision machines with Blockwart.
129,5380dipswitchSuper simple feature flag toggler
129,5380date_defaulterThis creates a global default for date format
129,5380decidim-sliderA Slider component for Decidim's homepage.
129,5380clinvoiceGenerates invoices using command line based on yaml file
129,5380datacenter_lookupIP address finder for the IPCat datacenter address list written in Ruby.
129,5380vocabulary_to_csvvocabulary_to_csv is a Ruby gem designed for extracting vocabulary lists from Vocabular...
129,5380fermion-paperclipFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
129,5380aslon_superfishassets for js menu superfish js+CSS
129,5380visionmedia-tagzFramework independant tag helpers
129,5380dbsyncA set of rake tasks to help you sync your remote production data with your local databa...
129,5380apib-mock_serverMock server for API Blueprints
129,5380titoAllows interaction with the Tito API
129,5380alert_tweeterNagios alerts go to twitter
129,5380doesprettyurlsUses ActiveRecord to_param to force your individual models to have attractive and more ...
129,5380detroit-grancherGrancher plugin for Detroit build system uses the grancher gem to copy a project's webs...
129,5380apify_serverA simple way to create multiple nodes on any server to response on your Apify-Requests
129,5380webkit_remoteLaunches Google Chrome instances and controls them via the Remote Debugging server
129,5380bmp2ssd1306BMP2SSD1306 is an image converter for SSD1306 OLED. It converts the BMP image into the ...