Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152961-152980 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870SlimZenTestZenTest provides 4 different tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby. ZenTe...
135,8870compass-slickmapSlickmap for Compass
135,8870chronic_2011The original Chronic gem is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby. T...
135,8870ruby_extRuby Extensions
135,8870bmhatfield-vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
135,8870snap_js-railsThis gem adds Snap.js to the Rails asset pipeline
135,8870rrantHave you ever wanted to read your devRant in console? Now you can!
135,8870bmi_calculatorCalculation BMI. height use m, cm, feet and inch. You can very easy to use.
135,8870ruboty-a3rt_talkTalk with you if given message didn't match any other handlers.
135,8870rename_appThis gem will rename your application
135,8870thermostat_Elise_DeSmetSoftware solution that acts as a thermostat.
135,8870spine_paginatorPaginator for Spine
135,8870bigdecimal_placesBigDecimal financial rounding with to_places(n) method
135,8870blurrilyNative fuzzy string search
135,8870ruby-debug-wrapperJust wrapper which simplify debugging with ruby-debug over Bundler + RVM with different...
135,8870trolliedExtendable Ruby on Rails engine for adding shopping cart functionality to a Rails appli...
135,8870rubygems_snapshotAdds snapshot command to gem. This command allow import/export of gems.
135,8870combination-extractorExtract patterns array to hash list for combination.
135,8870checksonA simple framework for checking node facts