Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153421-153440 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920BVDryerDry your hands.
95,5920jet-typeSafe type coercion for the Jet Toolkit.
95,5920dwolla-rubyThis SDK is for an old version of Dwolla's API and is no longer actively maintained. Pl...
95,5920ruployIf you want to manage several Rack apps using different versions of Ruby via RVM, Ruplo...
95,5920refinerycms-members-ciRuby on Rails Members engine for Refinery CMS
95,5920business_rulesDefine business rules dynamically on your model objects.
95,5920sifiapiRuby wrapper for the Simpli.fi API
95,5920gem_release_helperAdd some handy helpers for developing Embulk plugins
95,5920simplecov-bitbucket-serverUploads test coverage data to Bitbucket Server via Code Coverage plugin
95,5920food_franWrite a longer description or delete this line.
95,5920sqwiggle-rubyRuby wrapper for the sqwiggle API
95,5920gom-scriptgom-script script simplifies coding of clients and daemon which like to listen on s...
95,5920rack-methodoverride-with-paramsRack::MethodOverride only checks the X-Http-Method-Override header and the form encoded...
95,5920bulk_data_methodsMixIn used to extend ActiveRecord::Base classes implementing bulk insert and update ope...
95,5920deep_endSimple dependency resolver
95,5920frExamples of immutable data structures and functional programming in Ruby
95,5920ckickCKick is a simple gem that helps to kick start a C/C++ project using CMake with an arbi...
95,5920leaflyapiget strains and strain details from leafly.com
95,5920sysresourcesLINUX ONLY: command line tool to print basic system hardware resources (disk, cpu, ram,...
95,5920fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-statsfluentd plugin to generate elasticsearch cluster stats events.