Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153361-153380 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731has_attributes_fromMerge the attributes from another ActiveRecord class to an individual STI subclass.
110,9731blue-shellFriendly command-line test runner and matchers for shell scripting in ruby using rspec.
110,9731questsCompany Management App
110,9731scotchWatches directories and mirrors to a S3/CloudFront bucket/distribution
110,9731ruby_typistCustom typing animation for ruby app
110,9731attestAttest allows you to define spec-like tests inline (within the same file as your actual...
110,9731health_caluclatorHealthCaluclator : calucalate your health data :)
110,9731scaffoldrCreate scaffolding layouts for your application quickly.
110,9731rails_magic_renamerRename rails models, magically. Pre-release, not production ready
110,9731jennings_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
110,9731civo-loggerSends each request individually to Redis
110,9731nandNand is a simple CLI tool to make anything daemon by Ruby.
110,9731agencyAn actor library that uses the agent library for all of its plumbing.
110,9731ruby-universeA simple API wrapper for Universe V2.
110,9731gt-collection-calculatorA calculator to deal with GTCollection nasty charging calculation
110,9731afterburnKeep tabs on cycle time for completing your work in progress based on your Trello lists
110,9731cachetastic-memcache-poolCachetastic Memcached Adapter with Connection Pooling
110,9731pbinA minimal pastebin server for personal needs.
110,9731markwoj_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
110,9731money_handlerThis gem handles different currencies