Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153341-153360 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250tesla-apiImplements the Tesla Model S HTTP API
68,6250interface_comparatorModule that checks if two objects has the same interface including public methods list ...
68,6250textveloperEnvío de mensajes de texto en Venezuela a tráves del servicio de Textveloper
68,6250techarch-newrelic_rpmNew Relic Ruby Performance Monitoring Agent
68,6250sequel_translatableTranslate model attributes for sequel, fully tested.
68,6250ryansch-resque-lonerMakes sure that for special jobs, there can be only one job with the same workload in o...
68,6250printrThis engine allows you to define printers and templates.
68,6250ui_changedRails plugin for crawling domains for detecting differences in the UI
68,6250cssbtBootstrap and Foundation Css file generator
68,6250sinatra-api-helpersHandy helpers for writing RESTful APIs in Sinatra.
68,6250rubysl-net-httpRuby standard library net-http.
68,6250rspeckrspec + ack = <3
68,6250currency_wizA gem to get the current exchange rate.
68,6250spree_multi_themeSpree Multi Theme is a standalone theme for Spree Commerce 1.1.0
68,6250studio_game_erinA quick game that iterates through multiple players
68,6250toy_scaffoldScaffold for Rails beginners. Being explicit is favored over DRY principle.
68,6250wolfram_databinUpload data to wolfram databin mathematica via ruby
68,6250mundipagg_sdkRuby library for integrating with the MundiPagg payment web services
68,6250popstar4Popstar lets you add rules to determine your rails4 models popularity.
68,6250puppet-module-win-dev-r2.7A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.