Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153401-153420 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920change_finalA simple gem
95,5920bridgetown-content-security-policyAdd a content security policy to your website using a convenient Ruby DSL
95,5920redis_lockerredis locker gem allows to lock model methods to prevent concurent execution
95,5920tablyTably <> Ruby connector
95,5920brpm_module_ansibleThe Ansible module allows to execute Ansible roles in a similar way as playbooks can do...
95,5920siwe_railsCustom Rails Engine to server local pages for SIWE
95,5920cascadeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
95,5920samurai_contactsCore features of SamuraiCRM.
95,5920include_constantsA way to include constants from a module, without including its methods.
95,5920gipullTo get the pull request list of GitHub
95,5920sarbFramework for em-websocket that uses actions and triggers for real-time communication w...
95,5920kpigenA command line tool for generating kpigen data based on csv inputs
95,5920shawnpSimple boilerplate for jekyll with SEO, compression support.
95,5920bunny_carrotBunnyCarrot is a worker implementation using the rabbitmq-client bunny. Based on actor-...
95,5920raggi-async_sinatraAsynchronous response API for Sinatra and Thin
95,5920rsk_snitchCheck if a node is reporting stats in stats.rsk.co. Can be used as lib or executable.
95,5920renewableProvides frozen by default objects for more Functional style.
95,5920rails_grpcgRPC for Ruby on Rails
95,5920gitserversetupA simple git server setup
95,5920gitlapseGitlapse SDK gem