Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182321-182340 of all 182,392 gems.
180,7260return_manyReturns many values from the method. You can extract it via order or via names.
180,7260renee-url-generationThe super-friendly rack helpers -- URL generation.
180,7260bannerAdd a banner to the top of all pages in an app
180,7260fixed-vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
180,7260tecnh-gollumA simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
180,7260cancerBuilding XMPP clients should be easy.
180,7260trailblazer-futureUse Trailblazer 2.0 and 2.1 in one application
180,7260fleeceDraw data visualizations to the cloud from your Ruby prompt
180,7260flex3sdkThe Flex 3 SDK Rubygem is brought to you by Project Sprouts (http://projectsprouts.org)
180,7260marnen-validation_reflectionAdds reflective access to validations
180,7260resque-lockbrA Resque plugin. If you want only one instance of your job queued at a time, extend it ...
180,7260carsensor-apiRuby binding to Carsensor API(https://webservice.recruit.co.jp/carsensor/reference.html)
180,7260opengl-bindings_cReplaces pure-ruby OpenGL API calls in opengl-bindings ( https://github.com/vaiorabbit/...
180,7260chhean-mongoidMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
180,7260refinerycms-pollsRuby on Rails Polls extension for Refinery CMS
180,7260namxam-deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
180,7260ruby-backuplonger description of your gem
180,7260linklistLinklist is just a simple script to convert a text file with one URI per line into a s...
180,7260benhutton-facebooker2Facebook Connect integration library for ruby and rails (for Rspec2 + Rails3)
180,7260dm-is-self_referentialDeclaratively specify self referential m:m relationships in datamapper models