Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182361-182380 of all 182,392 gems.
180,7260mongo_connectorConnect to a Mongo database using the given URI if it is not blank, or else a default c...
180,7260mrw-uppercutA DSL for writing agents and notifiers for Jabber. This is a modified version incorpora...
180,7260omnirepoCreate a new omnibus repository out of collections of existing GitHub repositories.
180,7260queues-rabbitThe gem allows you to integrate RabbitMQ into a Rails application in a Ruby Style fashion.
180,7260pingdom-clientPingdom Ruby Client
180,7260saphyrThe purpose of Saphyr is to provide a nice and simple DSL to easily and quickly design ...
180,7260dm-groonga-adapterdatamapper adapter for groonga search engine
180,7260schemata-routerSpecify schema for Router messages and validate messages against defined schema
180,7260snack-railsThis gem provides SnackJS for your Rails 3 application.
180,7260spreadsheet-marticaAs of version 0.6.0, only Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheets are supported
180,7260benhutton-remarkable_railsRemarkable Rails: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for Rails
180,7260font-iconsFont Icons includes a base font called EntypoRegular and easy to remember variable name...
180,7260brainsome_typusRuby on Rails Admin Panel (Engine) to allow trusted users edit structured content.
180,7260socialcast-i18n-jsIt's a small library to provide the Rails I18n translations on the Javascript.
180,7260th_shopify_apiThe Shopify API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access the admin section...
180,7260tsuki月 is a low level engine for remote device integration.月 means "Moon", the name comes fr...
180,7260org.torquebox.torquebox-naming-clientTorqueBox Naming Client
180,7260cukeqCucumber features distributed using AMQP.
180,7260demo1213A simple layout generator gem
180,7260casbahA CAS server Rails engine