Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182381-182392 of all 182,392 gems.
180,7260telnetdSimple telnet daemon to be used from the command line or as embedded service.
180,7260auraAura is a CMS.
180,7260periodGem that helps defining period of time.
180,7260human_detectorHumanDetector is a friendly logic captcha for Rails the doesn't require any external sy...
180,7260dohmoose_auto_spriteCSS Sprites can get you down, don't let them. This gem automatically creates the CSS, ...
180,7260io_shutenIO::shuten – Use databases as IO handler like you would do with files and streams.
180,7260lesstidyLessTidy takes your CSS (or LessCSS) file and rewrites it in a more readable format.
180,7260capify-cloudGrabs roles from clouds' meta-data and autogenerates capistrano tasks
180,7260text-dbTextdb is a database which structure is determined by folders and data are represented ...
180,7260datacom_active_directoryDatacom NZ fork of ActiveDirectory. Uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and ...
180,7260little_frankiesinatra's little brother
180,7260nyaraFast and fuzzy ruby web framework + server