Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182341-182360 of all 182,392 gems.
180,7260smash_and_grabTurn-based isometric heist game
180,7260rolloutbrFeature flippers with redis.
180,7260check_in_objectsRails plugin that do check-in/check-out of models of ActiveRecord.
180,7260caring-nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
180,7260cocaine-frameworkCocaine Framework is a framework for simplifying development both server-side and clien...
180,7260contextualized_logsOnline logging solution (like [Datadog](https://www.datadoghq.com)) have drastically tr...
180,7260couchbase-columnarThis library implements protocol and high level API for accessing Couchbase Columnar da...
180,7260opengl3An OpenGL wrapper library for Ruby (OpenGL 2.1-4.2)
180,7260karsthammer-validates_captchaA captcha verification approach for Rails apps, directly integrated into ActiveRecord’s...
180,7260fanforce-testHelper gem for tests that need access to the local supercore-api
180,7260fluent-plugin-splunk-ex-logentriesSplunk output plugin for Fluent event collector. It supports reconnecting on socket fa...
180,7260do_riakThis is a data objects adapter for Riak. It's builded on top of the generic rrriak adap...
180,7260jsonapi_railsRails plugin for an extremely lightweight implementation of JSON API
180,7260jwtbA pure ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard with add...
180,7260facebook_lightA transparent facebook api implementation that doesn't obscure requests
180,7260ledger_accountableLedgerAccountable is a gem for recording ledger entries to store an accounting history ...
180,7260libosrmRuby bindings for OSRM’s C++ API, providing faster and more customizable interaction wi...
180,7260mb-surroundRuby code for encoding, decoding, and processing positional audio. This code accom...
180,7260ecm_slidersECM Module Template.
180,7260marnen-moipGem para utilização da API MoIP