201-220 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
91,2308,394guard-figGuard::Fig helps you develop docker containers faster using fig
92,2898,260guard-cogsGuard::Cogs packages your coffeescript, javascript, sass, and css.
92,8068,196guard-goliathAutomatically reloads your Goliath app on file change using Guard.
93,0988,159guard-gimliGuard::Gimli automatically converts your markup files when they are modified.
93,5838,100guard-berkshelfA simple guard plugin to update Berkshelf.
93,5998,099guard-reloaderGuard::Reloader automatically load class definition then run your tests on file modific...
93,7358,083guard-jenkinsGuard-Jenkins checks for the modification of the...
93,8318,072guard-boshFast feedback when developing BOSH releases
93,8858,065guard-egoGuard::Ego automatically restarts guard when needed
94,3208,022guard-koansAttempt to write guard for koans
94,6897,983guard-live-setConverts Ableton Live .als files to XML as they're saved. The point of this is so that ...
94,8037,968guard-jekyll2Guard jekyll support
95,1567,922guard-tocWatches a specified folder of html files and creates an html file containing links to e...
95,3927,891guard-fast_specGuard::FastSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest).
95,3927,891guard-spinoffGuard module for spinoff
96,1247,794guard-markdown2impressGuard::Markdown2Impress automatically runs markdown2impress commands when watched files...
96,4577,751guard-gitMake Guard git-aware
96,5607,737guard-docbook-statusThe docbook-status guard will watch your DocBook documents and check their status when ...
96,5897,733guard-rrailsrun rrails on guard
96,8897,690guard-bowerGuard::Bower automatically install/update your bower dependencies when needed