221-240 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
97,2857,640guard-concatfilterGuard::ConcatFilter automatically concatenates files in one when watched files are modi...
97,6957,585guard-templatesGuard plugin for smart, automatic compilation of your Javascript template files into us...
98,5417,476guard-erbguard-erb automatically compiles a erb file into the specified directory
98,9317,425guard-addremoveGuard::Addremove automatically runs shell commands when watched files are added or ...
99,3957,368guard-rspec-jrubyA Guard::RSpec extension to improve performance on JRuby
99,5357,351guard-sporkminitestGuard test files for Spork-owned MiniTest
99,9247,304guard-embertoolsGuard::EmberTools automatically recompiles the ember application when changes are made
100,4587,236guard-rubyGuard::Ruby is for running simple ruby files that don't necessarily have a separate...
100,4807,233guard-stylusA Guard plugin to watch and compile Stylus files
100,6107,215guard-tddiumRun your specs with tddium through guard.
100,9327,175guard-rspec-graphitiGuard-rspec DSL extensions for Graphiti
100,9967,167guard-parallel_allrun_all ファイルを監視して、 parallel タスクを起動する
101,0517,160guard-flayGuard::Flay automatically run flay.
101,2647,127guard-i18n-jsGuard::I18nJS automatically export your i18n js transations when needed
101,7417,061guard-cedarGuard::Cedar automatically runs your Cedar suite.
101,7537,059guard-treetopGuard::Treetop automatically compiles your treetop grammars
102,3466,978guard-zeus_serverGuard for "zeus server"
102,8726,908guard-fayeThis plugin automatically starts and restart Faye message server under Guard
102,9736,895guard-titanRun tests with Zeus using Guard Shell
103,1966,864guard-gotestGuard gem for Go test