41-60 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total Rank | Total Downloads | Name | Summary |
11,598 | 182,939 | guard-foreman | Guard plug-in that allows you to restart Foreman |
11,842 | 175,728 | guard-jshintrb | A Guard for jshintrb. |
11,847 | 175,612 | guard-consistency_fail | Guard::ConsistencyFail automatically runs consistency fail when model or schema.rb changes |
12,678 | 155,249 | guard-jshint-on-rails | Guard Javascript changes, ensuring JSHint complience |
12,853 | 151,400 | guard-haml | Compiles file.html.haml into file.html |
13,307 | 141,919 | guard-nanoc | Automatically rebuilds Nanoc sites |
13,361 | 140,661 | guard-haml_lint | Guard::HamlLint automatically runs Haml Lint tools. |
13,621 | 135,259 | guard-yield | This plugin allows you to run any Ruby code within Guard - without writing your own plugin |
14,150 | 126,706 | guard-jekyll-plus | A Guard plugin for smarter Jekyll watching |
14,814 | 116,827 | guard-spinach | guard-spinach is a guard plugin for spinach |
16,491 | 96,773 | guard-spin | Guard::Spin automatically manage Spin server. |
16,673 | 95,088 | guard-konacha | Automatically run konacha tests |
16,819 | 93,688 | guard-jammit | Watches your assets to automatically package them using Jammit. |
17,240 | 89,758 | guard-delayed | Guard::Delayedjob automatically starts/stops/restarts delayed_job |
17,966 | 83,955 | guard-coffeelint | Guard plugin for Coffeelint |
18,062 | 83,358 | guard-kitchen | Guard plugin for test kitchen |
18,169 | 82,623 | guard-resque | Guard::Resque automatically starts/stops/restarts resque worker |
19,672 | 73,041 | guard-passenger | Guard::Passenger automatically restarts Passenger when needed. |
20,061 | 70,901 | guard-yarn | Guard plugin for YARN. Run yarn whenever package.json changes |
20,431 | 69,094 | guard-phpunit | Guard::PHPUnit automatically run your unit-tests written with the PHPUnit testing frame... |