81-100 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
34,72432,828guard-kjellRun a command once when files change. Implemented because guard-shell was NIH, and ran ...
34,81432,728guard-ronnGuard::Ronn automatically builds your manual pages.
35,39831,992guard-lonoGuard::Lono automatically builds cloud formation templates from lono erb templates.
35,42131,964guard-cloudformationGuard::Cloudformation automatically validates cloud formation templates.
35,50831,852guard-flogGuard::Flog automatically run flog.
36,57130,609guard-mirrorA CoffeeScript, Stylus, and Jade (HTML and JST) Guard that mirrors yoursource files...
36,78330,372guard-preekGuard for refactoring, view code smells in color using Preek
37,35029,761guard-jasmine-nodeGuard::JasmineNode automatically runs your Jasmine Node specs when files are modified
37,96829,142guard-phpmdGuard::PHPMD automatically runs PHP Mess Detector when watched files are modified.
38,35628,764guard-remote-syncGuard::RemoteSync to automatically rsync your files.
38,38728,736guard-jshint-nodeGuard::JshintNode automatically runs JSHint when watched files are modified.
39,65127,595guard-sprockets2Guard for compiling sprockets assets
39,80427,450guard-xcodeBuild an Xcode project when source files change.
41,05026,387guard-krlGuard gem for krl. Automatically runs krl commit.
42,06125,576guard-mthamlGuard::MtHaml automatically compiles your MtHaml template files to PHP, Twig or static ...
42,21725,455guard-haskellGuard::Haskell automatically runs your specs
42,87824,970guard-fastererGuard gem for fasterer - automatically runs fasterer
43,86124,194guard-jestGuard plugin for testing Javascript using the Jest test runner
45,17023,261guard-markdownWatches a source folder and converts markdown docs to html docs in a target folder
46,49922,390guard-inchThis gem is a Guard plugin, which integrates the inch documentation measurement tool.