101-120 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total Rank | Total Downloads | Name | Summary |
46,797 | 22,195 | guard-coffeedripper | Guard::CoffeeDripper automatically generates your coffescript from your parts of coffee |
46,875 | 22,152 | guard-entangle | This gem leverages Guard's watch ability to insert files inline within another file. Wh... |
47,326 | 21,845 | guard-seeds | Guard-Seeds is a guard extension handling the rake db:seed when seeds.rb changes |
47,480 | 21,750 | guard-gradle | Continuous Testing Guard plugin for Gradle |
47,542 | 21,717 | guard-konacha-rails | Guard plugin for the konacha testing framework. |
47,565 | 21,704 | guard-symlink | Guard to symlink watched folders recursively into the current. |
47,798 | 21,554 | guard-middleman | Guard gem for Middleman - automatically runs middleman build |
48,359 | 21,231 | guard-rdoc | Automatically rebuild rdoc on code changes. |
48,833 | 20,951 | guard-calabash-ios | Guard::Calabash-iOS automatically run your calabash features for iOS |
49,131 | 20,755 | guard-frank | Guard::Frank automatically run frank-cucumber features for iOS |
49,489 | 20,557 | guard-webpacker | guard-webpacker automatically runs webpack-dev-server or webpack |
50,058 | 20,226 | guard-jasmine-rails | A Guard for Jasmine Rails. |
50,105 | 20,199 | guard-websocket-rails | Guard::WebsocketRails allows you to automatically start and stop your websocket-rails s... |
50,716 | 19,854 | guard-jest_runner | Allows you to add jest to your Guard toolchain, so that jest is run. |
51,114 | 19,647 | guard-npm | Guard::Npm automatically install/update your npm package.json when needed |
52,172 | 19,110 | guard-webrick | Guard::WEBrick automatically starts and restarts WEBrick when needed. |
52,864 | 18,757 | safeguard-devise | Safeguard Devise module |
54,556 | 17,979 | guard-erlang | Guard::Erlang automatically compile your erlang file & run Module:test() |
54,700 | 17,921 | guard-maven | Guard for Maven runs the clean and test commands for a Maven project |
54,772 | 17,894 | guard-play | guard helper for play! framework 1.x |