121-140 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
55,16017,721guard-autouploadUses either SFTP or FTP.
56,22517,305guard-dbGuarDb: is a guard extension handling the rake db:clone:test when schema.rb changes
56,30317,273guard-concatGuard::Concat automatically concatenates files in one when watched files are modified.
57,01716,991guard-pumadevGuard::PumaDev automatically manage PumaDev applications restart
57,31716,866guard-lesscGuard::Lessc automatically compiles less files to a target file when changes are made
58,13216,564guard-proveGuard::Prove automatically run your Perl tests (much like autotest)
58,97916,239guard-uglifyguard file for the uglifier gem
59,21716,155guard-yardstickGuard::Yardstick automatically checks your code for missing yardocs when files are mod...
59,32916,112guard-openscadChecks syntax of .scad files and generates .stl files.
60,20415,782guard-pytestGuard::Pytest automatically runs Pytest when watched files are modified.
60,96215,529guard-knifeGuard for Chef using knife to upload files
62,06915,138guard-flopboxA simple guard library for syncing local and remote directories via SFTP
62,18815,099guard-jstdThis will watch for changes in your JavaScript project and automatically run JsTestDriver
62,29015,064guard-ragelGuard::Ragel automatically rebuilds ragel .rl files into their corresponding .rb files
62,61814,961guard-goGuard gem for Go
62,76114,915guard-jessieGuard::Jessie automatically runs your jasmine specs through jessie driver
62,95614,857guard-railstestdbGuard extension that automatically migrates your test database.
63,05814,828guard-handlebarsCompiles file.handlebars into file.js
63,58414,662guard-haml-coffeeCompiles HamlCoffee templates to javascript
63,91814,557guard-plantGuard::Plant seeds automatcially when needed