Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
126121-126140 of all 182,869 gems.
126,1164,530js-log-cucumberBehaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy
126,1164,530rejiReji provides an expressive, fluent interface to Stripe's subscription billing services.
126,1164,530switchtower-extSwitchTower Extensions is a set of useful task libraries and methods that other dev...
126,1164,530jekyll-geocodeGeocode addresses from a YAML for drawing maps (with
126,1164,530string_work_parkerDemo for building gems
126,1164,530textile2pdfSimple utillity to convert textile to pdf files. Useful for reports etc.
126,1164,530todotaskA Rake task for generating a ToDo list
126,1284,529ffi-pkcs11Minimalistic Ruby FFI bindings for using a "Cryptoki" (PKCS11) library.
126,1284,529georgedrummond-contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
126,1284,529mail_generatorCompile your mail templates to html/txt files
126,1284,529gs2-ruby-sdk-notificationGame Server Services GS2-Notification Client Library
126,1284,529url_encryptEncrypt your URLs
126,1284,529db_vcsHave a separate database for each git branch!
126,1284,529fluent-plugin-axlsxfluentd output plugin for excel
126,1284,529todosInteractive command line application for managing list of tasks. Allow create new tas...
126,1284,529iso_countriesCountry selector with ISO codes
126,1284,529guidelinesTo use guidelines in your application, simply add views in app/views/guidelines (nested...
126,1284,529quercleConverts JSON hash representing SQL conditions into an array suitable for ActiveRecord ...
126,1284,529spree_controllers_with_callbacksExtend controllers using callbacks
126,1284,529gdata-georgedrummondThis gem provides a set of wrappers designed to make it easy to work with the Google D...