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126181-126200 of all 182,869 gems.
126,1644,527inline_javascriptCall JavaScript methods from Ruby using either InlineJavaScript or, more directly, Inli...
126,1644,527maromiMaromi sits between you and your app and handles OAuth stuff. Dependencies abound.
126,1644,527sqs_transportProvides simple enqueue/dequeue facilities for Amazon SQS.
126,1644,527rails_jumpstartThis gem was created so that you can easily defined and plugins and install the ones yo...
126,1644,527rubitlashRubitlash is a Ruby interface with Bitlash for Arduino
126,1644,527secobarbital-classifierA general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.
126,1874,526smtp2goInteracts directly with smtp2go's API to facilitate sending of email.
126,1874,526json_editor_railsThe library comes with available integration with CSS Frameworks such as bootstrap, fou...
126,1874,526sshsterSsh configuration manager
126,1874,526static-gmaps-v3Provides an interface to the Google Static Maps API v3.
126,1874,526sprout-cairngorm-src-libraryThe Cairngorm Microarchitecture is a lightweight yet prescriptive framework for rich In...
126,1874,526ai_toolsThis is a curated listed of personal AI development tools.
126,1874,526tapi-serverspecExtensions to Serverspec by TransportAPI
126,1874,526jsmin-ffiVery fast jsmin implementation using FFI
126,1874,526gearsCSS/JavaScript Toolkit
126,1874,526wymeditor-railsMakes wymeditor play well with Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.
126,1874,526tRuTagA tag aggregator (taggregator) for personal or web use.
126,1874,526deviantart-oauth2This gem contains class DeviantClient which helps use some Deviantart OAuth 2.0 API (lo...
126,1874,526fluent-plugin-redis-store-gabflRedis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd...
126,1874,526popSeeding helpers