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126161-126180 of all 182,869 gems.
126,1474,528commandosCommandos is a library to help build the series of objects needed for the command desig...
126,1474,528ruby2lolzRuby to Lolcode translator, kthnxbai.
126,1474,528sprout-air-bundleCode Generation and Rake Tasks for Air Development
126,1644,527rspiderWeb cralwer
126,1644,527spec_convertorConvert your tests to test/spec specs. See
126,1644,527patient-ageCalculates medical patient ages in years, months, weeks and days.
126,1644,527lifx-lanA Ruby gem that allows easy interaction with LIFX devices.
126,1644,527rbinruby scripts
126,1644,527spree_cash_on_deliveryCash on delivery payment method for Spree
126,1644,527pjson-rbpipe to pretty print json utility
126,1644,527rand_sumgenerate random numbers that sum up to a given integer
126,1644,527synergy_mainpayAdds payment method for
126,1644,527qq-pengyouQQ opensns SDK api for Ruby,
126,1644,527centro-client-internalInternal Ruby Client for the Centro api
126,1644,527vim-nerdtreehax0r vim script to give you a tree explorer
126,1644,527i2plookuperThis gem contains the module I2PLookuper, which in turn includes the classes SAMLookupe...
126,1644,527yard-notesNormally YARD emits a warning about unrecongnized decoumentaiton tags and omits them fr...
126,1644,527ruote-cukescucumber helpers (steps) for testing ruote process definitions and participants
126,1644,527sinatra-docself documentaion for your sinatra app's routes
126,1644,527symbolic-mathThis is a proof-of-concept experiment inspired by Sage