Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
126241-126260 of all 182,869 gems.
126,2274,524rubytrackselectorA music selection library for Rubygame.
126,2274,524putzDebugging your Ruby code with putz saves you the hassle of getting back the source code...
126,2274,524palidanx-fb_graphA full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper in Ruby (fork of original).
126,2274,524ds18b20A Gem to easily interface with the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Over 1-Wire
126,2274,524optionsful2Help building RESTful web services enabling HTTP OPTIONS verb on Ruby on Rails applicat...
126,2274,524sa-tmailTMail is a Ruby-based mail handler. It allows you to compose stadards compliant emails ...
126,2274,524envcheckProvides a simple way to test that your environment is configured correctly.
126,2274,524therapyTherapy is a command line tool to help you interact with GitHub issues. Also supports o...
126,2274,524rtm-shellShell for
126,2274,524valid_itemsGoes through all your Rails ActiveRecord objects and check if they are all still pass y...
126,2514,523paylike.rbRuby SDK for working with Paylike payment services.
126,2514,523well_read_fakerA replacement for various lorem ipsum generators.
126,2514,523rc6Fast RC6 decrypt/encrypt using C extension
126,2514,523webrick_httpreverseproxyserver-FlipPathImplements a simple reverse HTTP proxy - useful for advanced configuration or inspectio...
126,2514,523capistrano-pimcorePimcore plugin for capistrano
126,2514,523commentboxA little gem for generating pretty multiline comment boxes in C/C++ templates
126,2514,523hammurabiKing Hammurabi's famous code
126,2514,523fi_formFrontend Independant Forms.
126,2514,523rcommonsCommon libraries for Ruby similar to Apache Commons.
126,2514,523commandoes-activemodelA plugin for Commandoes