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130241-130260 of all 180,554 gems.
130,2254,127notch8-backupgemBeginning-to-end solution for backups and rotation.
130,2254,127rail_grinderInterrogate and update the version of a gem used by a fleet of apps
130,2254,127state_machine_checkerVerify properties of your state machines.
130,2254,127TokenizerProjectUTA simple multilingual tokenizer for NLP tasks. This tool provides a CLI and a library f...
130,2254,127statsd-cliReport statsd metrics with commandline Statsd
130,2254,127hstore_utilsThis gem is based on the railscast #345 HStore, that introduces the use of the HStore t...
130,2254,127chef-solo-encExternal Node Classifiers for chef-solo.
130,2254,127neo4j_helperAttemting to minimize the syntactical learning curve from other ORMs
130,2254,127verifiableAllows associatons to be create that require verification, i.e. email addresses or phon...
130,2254,127fluent-plugin-syslog-tls-long-timeoutSyslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd
130,2514,126rtripcodeGenerate tripcodes.
130,2514,126trbAn exploratory alternative to rake.
130,2514,126role_callDescribe the roles and permissions of your system with clear, testable, self-documentin...
130,2514,126sql_valuesRetrieve SQL values using Active Record query interface but without instantiation of A...
130,2514,126timsjoberg-ecriso4217When dealing with currencies in code you don't need to roll up your own interpretation ...
130,2514,126proto_configCoordinate a group of objects with a single configuration
130,2514,126clarkCustomized website to avoid start working every new site from scratch
130,2514,126synchronicityIncludes CountDownLatch, a synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait ...
130,2514,126reduced_fat_crmAn open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform
130,2514, RESTful API OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth